How We Help

The treatments we design help you by providing the tools you need to reclaim your health. We focus on Education, Empowerment, Movement, and Community. Each one is a critical piece, whether you’re recovering from injury, getting back to moving, or continuing to push yourself higher and move forward.



We pride ourselves on being thorough and specific. We don’t compromise quality to save time. The more we know about you, the more effective your treatment is. We don’t believe in a “one size fits all” approach to care, so we need to be informed on your condition and your body in order to apply the right tools, at the right time.

We start with your story. Your story helps us understand where we need to start. We want to know how you got here and where you want to go.

Every assessment includes neurological testing, orthopedic testing, and movement evaluation, all specific to your case. Additional testing (imaging or lab tests) may be needed but usually isn’t required. We won’t begin treatment until we have a clear understanding of how you will most likely respond to care.



You are an expert on you and you know when something isn’t right. Our job is to help you understand what and why. A better understanding of your body and how it interacts with the world is the foundation of your care.

Health misinformation can create confusion and inaccurate understandings of how we think about our bodies. What you think and how you feel can directly impact how well you do with care.



Our multi-modal approach uses a variety of hands-on techniques and rehabilitation strategies to help you achieve your goals. There are no “cookie cutter” approaches here - every person is different and requires a different care plan. Our goal is to get you feeling better as quickly as possible. However, there are no magical shortcuts and some presentations take more time than others. Our assessment and diagnosis will give us the best idea of your likely progression and outcome.

As providers, we are facilitators rather than “fixers.” We identify the necessary steps to change your pain, optimize your movement strategies, and get you back in the game.